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Yanomami Tribe

Moretti Ministries was able to work with translators in Brazil to translate the Bible into Yanomami both in written form and in audio form as not all tribes in that area have the ability to read. The Yanomami tribe are the largest and most isolated tribe in South America. They live in the rainforests and mountains of Northern Brazil and Southern Venezuela. Moretti Ministries was able to partner with a couple other ministries on this large project to make sure that both the written and audio Bible was accessible for this remote tribe.

Afghan Pashtu Bible

The Pashtu people incorporate 57 percent of the people of Afghanistan. The Pashtun people remain one of the most difficult people groups to reach in the world as all Pashtuns consider themselves Muslims and are tied to a very strong family or tribal code. The majority of Pashtun people also live in remote mountain regions in Afghanistan. There are only 0.05 Christian believers among the Pashtun people today and access to the people because of security, war, and difficult terrain make it very hard to take the Gospel to them. However, not only do the lost need the word of God but in recent years a small number of Pashtuns of come to Christ and are in need of the word of God to grow in their new faith and share with others. Moretti Ministries was able to partner with another ministry to work to translate the new testament for the Pashtuns.