Prayer Requests

Moretti Ministries covets your prayers for this ministry:

That we would be faithful with all that the Lord has entrusted to us, demonstrating wise and careful stewardship as we partner with other organizations, individuals, and churches around the world to fulfil the mission of Moretti Ministries: to see God glorified in all the earth through the proclamation and teaching of His Word so that the lost are given the gospel, biblical churches are established and strengthened, and evangelists, pastors, Bible teachers, and missionaries are equipped for service.

Our leadership invites you to join us in supporting this Ministry of the Spreading of the Gospel through prayer. “Finally brothers, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it was with you.”
2 Thessalonians 3:1

We at Moretti Ministries are committed to cover the projects which the Lord has given us with ongoing prayer support both during the building of the facility and also as their ministry of the Word continues. Here is a list of some of those projects:

  1. Togo, Africa Training Center - trains and disciples ministry leaders
  2. Yanomami Tribe in Brazil (we supported audio and written Bible translation)
  3. Argentina Pastoral Training Center and Church - we expanded their current facility by adding an additional Sanctuary and classrooms on the second floor. They currently have a church that meets there as well as a training center for pastors. In addition, they host annual training conferences each year to equip pastors in their region. There have been multiple church plants that have come from this ministry.
  4. Quito, Ecuador - Moretti Ministries helped build a church for a group of people that had outgrown their location in 2020 as they experienced a season of rapid growth. We were able to help them build a simple church that would accomodate their growing body. They had been meeting in an outdoor courtyard. Since the completion of the church, they have been able to enjoy body life ministries we often take for granted. This past summer they hosted a Vacation Bible School that was well attended!
  5. Guinea, Africa - We partnered with Global Baptist Training Foundation to build a church to be used for training pastors and other church leaders who in turn can go and train nationals in the area. This is one of several church plants that Global Baptist Training Foundation plans to plant in West Africa. Construction should be completed by the end of 2024.
  6. San Cristobal, Cuba - Moretti Ministries provided assistance for a church in San Cristobal, Cuba. The church only had a cement floor with a few walls and a partial roof. The church met for 10 years while the church was in that condition. Moretti Ministries was able to provide assistance to complete the walls and roof so they now have a beautiful place to meet and worship! What a testimony of God’s goodness and grace not only to those in the church but also to those in the area.
  7. Ghana, Africa - A parcel of land was purchased by Moretti Ministries for Pioneers Church in Ghana, Africa. As is true in many third world countries, small investments can have a huge impact. During a small town Bible study, the need for this project was communicated to all who attended and a few people partnered together to first purchase the land, then to purchase construction materials to build the church. This is an excellent example of how much can be accomplished with a relatively small investment. Modest levels of support can bear great fruit in developing nations as evidence in this project.

You are invited to share in spreading the Gospel in the world today! Your gift could help to build a place for believers to meet, or a place for children to be nurtured and taught the Word, or you could put a Bible in the hands of an individual who has trusted in Christ for their salvation. Every donation given through Moretti Ministries goes directly to a current project. No administration fees are ever removed from your gift.

Every dollar you give to Moretti Ministries goes to the work in the field.

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