Untitled design-3Paul Carpenter was born and raised in central Missouri in a pastor’s home and came to believe in Jesus for eternal life as a young boy. He graduated from high school in Eldon, MO, in 1971 and that fall enrolled in Calvary Bible College in Kansas City, MO, with an interest in ministry. After transferring to Miami Christian College (MCC) in 1974, he graduated in 1977 and married his wife, Carol, in June. While attending MCC, it was Paul’s privilege to get to know Bill Lyons, now President of the Board of Moretti Ministries. He served with Bill and worked with the youth group and the music department at Grapeland Heights Baptist Church in Miami, FL. He was ordained to the ministry there in 1979, serving as the Associate Pastor until 1982, when he took a pastorate at Antioch Christian Church near Fillmore, MO. In 1988, he took a pastorate in Jansen, NE, at Jansen Bible Church, where he has served ever since for thirty-five years. Paul and Carol have six children who are now married adults. Paul deeply appreciates the work of Moretti Ministries and looks forward to serving on their Board.