Advancing a Vision that Demonstrates a Love for Christ’s Church
As a parachurch ministry, we know too well the temptations to which many such ministries fall prey. With the best of intentions, parachurch ministries often try to do the work of the church, or work with groups that have no accountable connection to a local church body. Though their intentions may be honorable, the ministry activity itself falls short of the biblical ideal. Christ is the Head of the Church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. The Church is the pillar and support of the truth, and it is in the context of the local church that believers are equipped for kingdom service. The clear testimony of the Scriptures is that the Church is the centerpiece in the advancement of the kingdom.
While parachurch organizations can do tremendous good, they do that work best by serving and blessing the local church, not replacing it or setting it aside. To that end, Moretti Ministries seeks to incorporate the local church not only in its vision, but in its operation and governance. Representatives from member local church bodies serve in our Church Advisory Council, which has the responsibility of evaluating grant proposals and making recommendations to our Board of Directors. In this way, our evaluation process is managed by men who are accountable to the leaders of local churches. What’s more, voting members of our Church Advisory Council are responsible for voting in new Board members, and reaffirming existing Directors.
We also receive project proposals from many sources, including other missions organizations, missionaries, and  our member churches, particularly seeking out those that are already being supported by these churches. In this way, we come alongside these churches in their work, helping them to fund projects they would not have been able to adequately fund on their own.  
Finally, we look for projects that have a connection to strong local churches in their context.